Netflix has updated the disclaimer for its series “IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack” following concerns raised by the Indian government. The series, which premiered on August 29, 2024, depicts the hijacking of an Indian Airlines flight in 1999. The initial controversy centered around the portrayal of the hijackers, with accusations that the use of Hindu names for the characters might obscure the fact that the hijacking was carried out by Pakistani militants.
In response to the criticism, Netflix has revised the opening disclaimer to clearly include both the real and code names of the hijackers. This move aims to address concerns about the representation of the terrorists involved.
The series is directed by Anubhav Sinha and is based on the real-life hijacking incident where five terrorists from a Pakistan-based outfit hijacked the flight and eventually landed it in Taliban-controlled Kandahar. The hijacking was resolved after the Indian government released several jailed terrorists in exchange for the hostages.
This update comes after the BJP and other critics argued that the series’ portrayal was misleading and potentially harmful. A public interest litigation was also filed in the Delhi High Court seeking a ban on the series, claiming that it distorted the hijackers’ identities and misrepresented historical facts.
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